Manchester eCommerce Photography
Often times, I hear people complain about how much they’ve spent in a hiring top-notch copywriter for their product, and yet, still couldn’t make enough sales. Well, it is this simple; if you want to drive huge sales to your business, you must have good product photography. Now, let me burst your bubble. Did you know that according to digital marketing research conducted on some Facebook users in 2017, people remember 80% of what they see and only 20% of what they’ve read? In other words, no matter what you write about your product, your best chances of making huge sales are in how good the quality of your product photography is. Still not convinced? Here are some of the ways good product photography helps drives huge sales to your business.


If you’re targeting the right set of an audience while marketing your eCommerce product, the only icing on the cake you’ll need is to make good product photography which is going to help turn leads into sales, and here is how. So let’s say your product is an anti-aging product, and on the bottle of the product are the anticipated anti-aging effect that it has on anyone that takes it. If the photograph your product isn’t clear, given that the wordings on the product will obviously be small, when people try to enlarge the photo in order to read every detail on the product, it will get blurrier as they keep zooming in. And trust me, that could totally change their mind towards buying your product instantly. On the contrary, if you make sharp and bright-lighted product photos, your leads will be able to zoom in on the product and have a clearer view of all that the product has to offer. Once they are able to view it, there is every chance that they are going to place an order right at the spot, provided, you targeted the right set of an audience like I said earlier.
Plus, it is not uncommon these days for people to return and ask for refunds on products that they placed an order for; simply because the reality didn’t match what they saw on the photograph. In other words, ensure that your product photograph is always sharp and bright in order to reveal every single detail on it. If they couldn’t see clearly what was written on the product before they placed an order, and they happen to see things they never expected like the number and days within which you can welcome product returns, and so on during delivery, you’re most likely going to lose out on sales in the long run. Manchester eCommerce Photography can transfer your online business to another level.

Customer’s Attention
Have you ever come across a Coca Cola, or Pepsi product image on your social media or billboard, that was taken under a low-quality resolution? Obviously not. In fact, one of the reasons why Coca Cola has been at the top of their game for years, according to Vishen Lakhiani in his video about the “Secrets of Coca Cola”, is in the high-quality visuals they make on their product, which in turn makes it appealing to the eyes of consumers. In his words, Coca Cola’s high-quality product photography, makes people desire Coca Cola.
Put differently, you can only make people desire and long to buy your product even though they don’t need it, by making top quality product photography. Imagine scrolling through your social media feed, and then you happen to come across a stunning and captivating picture of a moisturizer that promises to leave your skin without any blemishes. Instantly, your subconscious is going trigger your impulse into desiring that very moisturizer, even if you have your own moisturizer. This happens because, stunning product photos for eCommerce, automatically sends a signal to our brain which immediately triggers us into an impulse buying state. Thus, the impact a good quality product image can have on your potential clients is that it will trigger their impulse buying nerves, into purchasing your product. If you want people to desire to buy your product, do it the Coca Cola way by making good product photography, which will also help in making a name for your business. And speaking of the name.

Gives Your Brand a Name
If you want to turn your business name into a household name, once again like Pepsi and Coca Cola, you need to start by making people understand this, from the quality of your product images. Still familiar with the popular millennial quote “Garbage in Garbage Out”? Well, that’s the way it goes in business, especially when you want to make huge sales.
That’s why, if you make low-quality product images, you’re going to attract low-quality customers, that are going to pay low prices because, people rate your business based on your quality of branding like eCommerce product photography. However, if you want people to perceive your business as a professional entity, that is valued by customers all over the world, you need to make your business and authority in your niche by producing good product photography. Your product images say a lot about your business, always remember that.

Customer’s Trust
As soon you’re done building authority in your business niche, by displaying high-quality product photographs on your billboard, internet and so on, people will start trusting you. Of course, need I remind you that people don’t make demands on things or company’s they don’t trust. So, if you want to make huge sales like how most of these eCommerce popular companies that have gained their customer’s trust all over the world, you need to ensure that your product picture used in marketing is always in the best of quality. And guess what follows after people start trusting you?

As soon as you’re done making a name for your eCommerce business using good quality product photographs, and people start trusting your products as a result, the sky will be your starting point in regards to sales generation. Your trusted buyers will help you market your product by referring it to their friends and colleagues. And guess what? That’s how Coca Cola became a multinational company, and you can become one too if you just stick to taking good quality product photos.

The best part about having good product photographs is that it doesn’t only bring in many sales, but helps in placing you 10 times ahead of your competitors, even though their product may be better than yours. Obviously, this is the case in the e-marketing system today. Businesses make huge sales not because they offer the best services or benefit, but because their product photography is one in a million. For instance, Coca Cola offers no health benefits than supplying your body with excess sugar. Still, people can’t stop buying it because Coca Cola’s product photography makes you desire their product, even after knowing how perilous it is to one’s health. So, it’s all about the quality of your product image, if you want to wade off your competitors.
Nevertheless, to achieve these benefits by making good product photography, here are some quick and easy methods that you can use to take photographs of your product.

Step 1
You’re going to need a couple of things. First, a plain white cardboard or piece of cardboard, some tape, another piece of extra paper or white cardboard that you can use as a reflector, a wall, a desk or a table and a window or a couple of temperature matching lights. I prefer to use a daylight balanced light at around 5600k as this gives me a nice white background without needing to correct in post-processing.
Step 2
After you’ve got all these in place, have your table pressed up against the wall. If you are lucky enough to have a bright room with white walls and plenty of daylight than you are all set! If natural light is an issue (as English weather never guarantees anything when it comes to weather predictions) you might want to use artificial lighting. As mentioned above, a cheap 5600k bulb x 2 with two softboxes are all you need.
Step 3
Take your card and tape it to the table. (Create a slight curve in the card, when taping it to the wall). Now, what this does is it to create a seamless backdrop where there're no corners and sharp edges, thus helping minimize shadows on your background which will massively help with post-processing of your white background product images.
Step 4
Thereafter, drop your product into the scene, on top of your white backdrop. At this point, if you look closely, you’ll find that there're some details being lost in the shadows, and that's where our foam board or DIY reflector (the extra piece of paper) comes into play but might not be necessary, all depending on your lighting setup. Try to position the setting so the background is slightly brighter than the item itself. This will minimize your post-processing.
Step 5
So, drop the reflector into the scene on the side that is farthest from the window, as that will reflect some of the light back into the shadows on your product, give it some detail and add some bit of a 3d look to it.
Step 6
After having everything in position, using your camera, take a shot of the product, and frame it with a little bit of white space around the image. Make sure, your camera is as close to your object as possible. (this will help to retain as much native resolution as possible, by cropping, you will lose a lot of resolution which might be needed.
Depending on how bright your scene is or how well lit it is, you may need to do a little bit of editing. And you can either open this up on your computer in Lightroom, or you can use your phone and download a free app like Snapseed to edit your product photographs which is very simple as long as you get it right in the camera!
Those are just the basics to get you going, but if you’re more concerned about having a better product photo for your business, that’s is going to bring in more sales, you’re certainly going to need the services of a professional photographer.
A little about us...
One North Studio is a commercial photography and production studio based in Manchester. We are a group of young passionate photographers, filmmakers, and digital marketing specialists. We offer superior quality, fast turnaround time with a free trial and transparent pricing accessible at your fingertips.
If you would like to discuss our services further or have any other questions,
please get in touch!
contact us: onenorthstudio@gmail.com
tel: 07428 502086
Manchester, M154AY
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